2013년 5월 25일 토요일

Mom dies, gives birth, then is revived -- and they're both fine

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Three-month-old Elynya Nigrelli was born while her mother was dead. Her mother Erica Nigrelli who was pregnant felt faint and dizzy when she walked into a co-workers classroom while on duty. Other teachers called 911, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Her heart had stopped beating despite doctor's endeavor, however; her heart started beating miraculously when her baby was delivered by emergency cesarean section. Now, both of the mother and the baby are doing very well.

I want to congratulate their aliveness for any sake. I also want to thank for doctors who operated successfully, and thank for teachers who helped her to be alive quickly. It is a miraculous happening, and I wish events like this would happen many times.

Ashely Fantz, Mom dies, gives birth, then is revived -- and they're both fine. CNN. May 24. Web.
Web address : http://edition.cnn.com/2013/05/24/health/mom-revived-baby-born/index.html?hpt=hp_t4

How thinking too much could give you gray hair

There is an old proverb "If you think too much, your hair will go gray at young age". Gray hairs are a symptom of aging, but some young people already have it. Though this phenomenon is commonly related to genetic problem, it sometimes has relevance to diseases such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, diabetes and so on. According to this, the saying is correct that psychological stress can disrupt blood flow and it can cause abnormal hormone production to arouse a decrease in melanin pigment.

Before reading this article, I believed that the old saying was just a myth. I thought of my parents' gray hair after reading it. My parents' hairs turned gray earlier than other people, and I think it was due to trouble that I and my sister made. The change of hair color is not likely to be reversible, so I will try my best to be nice to my parents, and I also control stress well to avoid gray hairs.

Lee Dong-youn, How thinking too much could give you gray hair. The Korea Herald. April 11. Web.
Web address: http://khnews.kheraldm.com/view.php?ud=20130411000920&md=20130414003720_AR

S. Korean presidential press secretary fired amid sexual assault probe in D.C.

The South Korean President Park has sacked her spokesman Yoon Changjung because of his reprehensible behavior. During Park's visit to the White House, he sexually harassed a woman in a Washington hotel. Although he apologized his inappropriate conduct, he caused a political ruckus in South Korea. On the other hand, investigations are under way to determine reasons behind his act in the USA.

I am ashamed of my country's spokesperson's unsavory behavior. He went so far as to insist that his act just came from cultural difference. As a high-ranking official, I think he should take care not to be rude to other country's people. Although he was counted the cost of his conduct as dismissal, he needed to get more serious punishment.

Peter Hermann and Clarence Williams, S. Korean presidential press secretary fired amid sexual assault probe in D.C. The Washington Post. May 10. Web
Web address : http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/south-korean-presidential-press-secretary-fired-amid-sexual-assault-probe-in-district/2013/05/10/5f5bf8e8-b961-11e2-aa9e-a02b765ff0ea_story.html

2013년 5월 15일 수요일

Plans for 3D-printed gun downloaded 100,000 times; State Department in contact with Defense Distributed

The world's first 3D-printed gun's plans were widespread online. Nearly one hundred thousand people downloaded them just for fun. The State Department claimed Defense Distributed-company which makes the blueprint-to take down the computer-aided design. However, people thinks it may be too late to stop anyone determined to get a copy of the computer, and many of them denounced the State Department due to its dawdling.

I tried to find the plans, and it was very easy to find. This gun is so durable that it is fine after firing a volley over 600 times. I worried that there may be many victims if this gun appears in public, on the other hand, I want to use 3D printer to make some things like delicious food. I hope this amazing printer releases soon.

Emi Kolawole, Plans for 3D-printed gun downloaded 100,000 times; State Department in contact with Defense Distributed. The Washington Post. May 9. Web
Web address : http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/wp/2013/05/09/plans-for-3d-printed-gun-downloaded-100000-times-state-department-in-contact-with-defense-distributed/

2013년 5월 14일 화요일

South Korea's No. 1 national treasure reopens after five years

Sungnyemun, which is known as Namdaemun or the Great South Gate, reopened to the public on May 4th. This building was erected in 1398 and renowned for Seoul's oldest gate, so the Cultural Heritage Administration designated it as Korea's No.1 national treasure. However, it was burnt down by an arsonist and finally collapsed despite efforts of many firefighters in February 2008. After the fire, a lot of workers, scientists, artisans and historians had striven for restoring this building and finally it came out with celebration which was marked by a military band parade, music and dancing.

For many Koreans, the first word that pops into their heads when they think of cultural properties is Sungnyemun. However, it was burnt down due to indifference of the public. I am glad Sungnyemun returned with its original appearance. I hope that people learn from this experience and will show more interest in preserving our cultural assets.

Frances Cha, South Korea's No. 1 national treasure reopens after five years. CNN Travel. May 9. Web
Web address : http://travel.cnn.com/south-koreas-no1-national-treasure-yep-they-rank-them-reopens-after-5-years-497181