2013년 5월 15일 수요일

Plans for 3D-printed gun downloaded 100,000 times; State Department in contact with Defense Distributed

The world's first 3D-printed gun's plans were widespread online. Nearly one hundred thousand people downloaded them just for fun. The State Department claimed Defense Distributed-company which makes the blueprint-to take down the computer-aided design. However, people thinks it may be too late to stop anyone determined to get a copy of the computer, and many of them denounced the State Department due to its dawdling.

I tried to find the plans, and it was very easy to find. This gun is so durable that it is fine after firing a volley over 600 times. I worried that there may be many victims if this gun appears in public, on the other hand, I want to use 3D printer to make some things like delicious food. I hope this amazing printer releases soon.

Emi Kolawole, Plans for 3D-printed gun downloaded 100,000 times; State Department in contact with Defense Distributed. The Washington Post. May 9. Web
Web address : http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/wp/2013/05/09/plans-for-3d-printed-gun-downloaded-100000-times-state-department-in-contact-with-defense-distributed/

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