2013년 5월 25일 토요일

Mom dies, gives birth, then is revived -- and they're both fine

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Three-month-old Elynya Nigrelli was born while her mother was dead. Her mother Erica Nigrelli who was pregnant felt faint and dizzy when she walked into a co-workers classroom while on duty. Other teachers called 911, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Her heart had stopped beating despite doctor's endeavor, however; her heart started beating miraculously when her baby was delivered by emergency cesarean section. Now, both of the mother and the baby are doing very well.

I want to congratulate their aliveness for any sake. I also want to thank for doctors who operated successfully, and thank for teachers who helped her to be alive quickly. It is a miraculous happening, and I wish events like this would happen many times.

Ashely Fantz, Mom dies, gives birth, then is revived -- and they're both fine. CNN. May 24. Web.
Web address : http://edition.cnn.com/2013/05/24/health/mom-revived-baby-born/index.html?hpt=hp_t4

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