2013년 4월 24일 수요일

Cultural-sensitivity soldiers save diplomats, corporate titans from themselves

Bill Gates, who is a founder of the Microsoft, met with South Korea's president, Park Keunhye. That photograph caused controversy, because he shook hands with her keeping his hand in pocket which is very impertinent behavior in Korea. This article shows some cultural differences like why giving the American okay sign is no-no in Brazil. Weaver, who is executive director of American University's Intercultural Management Institute, also said that his mistake was not so serious compared to other international missteps such as happening that Hussein stamped out of the room due to New Mexico Democrat's rude behavior.

I'm sure that Bill Gates did not mean to insult the South Korean President. Whenever I saw the pictures that he shook hands with other executives, he usually kept one hand in his pocket. But for whatever reason, he should make a public apology to show his respect for the person. I realized that good manners are important any time, everywhere through this article. Being observant of the culture and generically polite is appreciated and sufficient.

Emily Wax, Cultural-sensitivity soldiers save diplomats, corporate titans from themselves. The Washington Post, April 24. Web.

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