2013년 4월 24일 수요일

Oceans may explain slowdown in climate change: study

The tide comes in as the sun sets on the seafront in Scarborough, northern England February 26, 2013. REUTERS/Dylan Martinez

The rate of temperature increase of earth's surface has slowed down since 2000, and scientists assumed it is because of ocean. Oceans which absorbed most of energy in the top 700 meters caught more warmth from the air recently. However, experts think that it is just a temporary phenomenon and heat absorbed by the ocean will come back into the atmosphere like Le Nino and La Nina.

When I first saw this article, I was just glad that temperature was increased slower than last few years. However, scientists think climate change would be worse than ever if heat is released back into the atmosphere. I studied global warming causes Le Nino and La Nina which affect water temperature and climate. It also causes tremendous damage to all of organisms. Not only experts but also everyone needs to try to solve global warming.

Peter Graff, Oceans may explain slowdown in climate change: study. Reuters, April 7. Web.

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