2013년 4월 24일 수요일

Earthquake hits China’s Sichuan province, killing at least 179 and injuring thousands

A powerful earthquake hit Sichuan Province in southwestern China on April 24th. This quake occurred a short distance away from Wenchuan county where a massive earthquake killed many people in May 2008. Rescue teams, including troops, help people to escape from collapsed buildings and Ministry of Civil Affairs delivered relief supplies such as tents and blankets. Many of victims said both psychological and fundamental damage they got was tremendous.

I remembered an earthquake that happened in 2008 caused massive damage and devastation and killed thousands of people. An earthquake of similar magnitude struck similar place again. I hope there are no more injuries and damage. There was a weak quake in Korea on 21st April, so many people are nervous nowadays. I also hope that there were no more earthquakes in Korea.

Steven Mulfson, Earthquake hits China’s Sichuan province, killing at least 179 and injuring thousands. The Washington Post, April 20. Web.

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