2013년 5월 25일 토요일

Mom dies, gives birth, then is revived -- and they're both fine

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Three-month-old Elynya Nigrelli was born while her mother was dead. Her mother Erica Nigrelli who was pregnant felt faint and dizzy when she walked into a co-workers classroom while on duty. Other teachers called 911, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Her heart had stopped beating despite doctor's endeavor, however; her heart started beating miraculously when her baby was delivered by emergency cesarean section. Now, both of the mother and the baby are doing very well.

I want to congratulate their aliveness for any sake. I also want to thank for doctors who operated successfully, and thank for teachers who helped her to be alive quickly. It is a miraculous happening, and I wish events like this would happen many times.

Ashely Fantz, Mom dies, gives birth, then is revived -- and they're both fine. CNN. May 24. Web.
Web address : http://edition.cnn.com/2013/05/24/health/mom-revived-baby-born/index.html?hpt=hp_t4

How thinking too much could give you gray hair

There is an old proverb "If you think too much, your hair will go gray at young age". Gray hairs are a symptom of aging, but some young people already have it. Though this phenomenon is commonly related to genetic problem, it sometimes has relevance to diseases such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, diabetes and so on. According to this, the saying is correct that psychological stress can disrupt blood flow and it can cause abnormal hormone production to arouse a decrease in melanin pigment.

Before reading this article, I believed that the old saying was just a myth. I thought of my parents' gray hair after reading it. My parents' hairs turned gray earlier than other people, and I think it was due to trouble that I and my sister made. The change of hair color is not likely to be reversible, so I will try my best to be nice to my parents, and I also control stress well to avoid gray hairs.

Lee Dong-youn, How thinking too much could give you gray hair. The Korea Herald. April 11. Web.
Web address: http://khnews.kheraldm.com/view.php?ud=20130411000920&md=20130414003720_AR

S. Korean presidential press secretary fired amid sexual assault probe in D.C.

The South Korean President Park has sacked her spokesman Yoon Changjung because of his reprehensible behavior. During Park's visit to the White House, he sexually harassed a woman in a Washington hotel. Although he apologized his inappropriate conduct, he caused a political ruckus in South Korea. On the other hand, investigations are under way to determine reasons behind his act in the USA.

I am ashamed of my country's spokesperson's unsavory behavior. He went so far as to insist that his act just came from cultural difference. As a high-ranking official, I think he should take care not to be rude to other country's people. Although he was counted the cost of his conduct as dismissal, he needed to get more serious punishment.

Peter Hermann and Clarence Williams, S. Korean presidential press secretary fired amid sexual assault probe in D.C. The Washington Post. May 10. Web
Web address : http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/south-korean-presidential-press-secretary-fired-amid-sexual-assault-probe-in-district/2013/05/10/5f5bf8e8-b961-11e2-aa9e-a02b765ff0ea_story.html

2013년 5월 15일 수요일

Plans for 3D-printed gun downloaded 100,000 times; State Department in contact with Defense Distributed

The world's first 3D-printed gun's plans were widespread online. Nearly one hundred thousand people downloaded them just for fun. The State Department claimed Defense Distributed-company which makes the blueprint-to take down the computer-aided design. However, people thinks it may be too late to stop anyone determined to get a copy of the computer, and many of them denounced the State Department due to its dawdling.

I tried to find the plans, and it was very easy to find. This gun is so durable that it is fine after firing a volley over 600 times. I worried that there may be many victims if this gun appears in public, on the other hand, I want to use 3D printer to make some things like delicious food. I hope this amazing printer releases soon.

Emi Kolawole, Plans for 3D-printed gun downloaded 100,000 times; State Department in contact with Defense Distributed. The Washington Post. May 9. Web
Web address : http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/wp/2013/05/09/plans-for-3d-printed-gun-downloaded-100000-times-state-department-in-contact-with-defense-distributed/

2013년 5월 14일 화요일

South Korea's No. 1 national treasure reopens after five years

Sungnyemun, which is known as Namdaemun or the Great South Gate, reopened to the public on May 4th. This building was erected in 1398 and renowned for Seoul's oldest gate, so the Cultural Heritage Administration designated it as Korea's No.1 national treasure. However, it was burnt down by an arsonist and finally collapsed despite efforts of many firefighters in February 2008. After the fire, a lot of workers, scientists, artisans and historians had striven for restoring this building and finally it came out with celebration which was marked by a military band parade, music and dancing.

For many Koreans, the first word that pops into their heads when they think of cultural properties is Sungnyemun. However, it was burnt down due to indifference of the public. I am glad Sungnyemun returned with its original appearance. I hope that people learn from this experience and will show more interest in preserving our cultural assets.

Frances Cha, South Korea's No. 1 national treasure reopens after five years. CNN Travel. May 9. Web
Web address : http://travel.cnn.com/south-koreas-no1-national-treasure-yep-they-rank-them-reopens-after-5-years-497181

2013년 4월 24일 수요일

Cultural-sensitivity soldiers save diplomats, corporate titans from themselves

Bill Gates, who is a founder of the Microsoft, met with South Korea's president, Park Keunhye. That photograph caused controversy, because he shook hands with her keeping his hand in pocket which is very impertinent behavior in Korea. This article shows some cultural differences like why giving the American okay sign is no-no in Brazil. Weaver, who is executive director of American University's Intercultural Management Institute, also said that his mistake was not so serious compared to other international missteps such as happening that Hussein stamped out of the room due to New Mexico Democrat's rude behavior.

I'm sure that Bill Gates did not mean to insult the South Korean President. Whenever I saw the pictures that he shook hands with other executives, he usually kept one hand in his pocket. But for whatever reason, he should make a public apology to show his respect for the person. I realized that good manners are important any time, everywhere through this article. Being observant of the culture and generically polite is appreciated and sufficient.

Emily Wax, Cultural-sensitivity soldiers save diplomats, corporate titans from themselves. The Washington Post, April 24. Web.

Oceans may explain slowdown in climate change: study

The tide comes in as the sun sets on the seafront in Scarborough, northern England February 26, 2013. REUTERS/Dylan Martinez

The rate of temperature increase of earth's surface has slowed down since 2000, and scientists assumed it is because of ocean. Oceans which absorbed most of energy in the top 700 meters caught more warmth from the air recently. However, experts think that it is just a temporary phenomenon and heat absorbed by the ocean will come back into the atmosphere like Le Nino and La Nina.

When I first saw this article, I was just glad that temperature was increased slower than last few years. However, scientists think climate change would be worse than ever if heat is released back into the atmosphere. I studied global warming causes Le Nino and La Nina which affect water temperature and climate. It also causes tremendous damage to all of organisms. Not only experts but also everyone needs to try to solve global warming.

Peter Graff, Oceans may explain slowdown in climate change: study. Reuters, April 7. Web.

South Korean broadcaster bans ‘Gentleman’ video for showing PSY kicking public parking cone

One of South Korea's biggest broadcaster, KBS has banned Psy's music video 'gentleman' due to his ungentlemanly behavior. Psy kicks a traffic cone that says "no parking" in video, and this scene doesn't satisfy its criteria as a public broadcaster. KBS has banned other videos for same reasons in the past. On the other hands, 'gentleman' has racked up about 139 million views.

I can't comprehend why KBS established standards like that. The purpose of music video is not "breaking public facilities" and it just satirizes man's ungentle behaviors. I might understand this ban if they said that his video is too erotic to broadcast. I think KBS will regret someday due to losing public sympathy.

Kin Cheung, South Korean broadcaster bans ‘Gentleman’ video for showing PSY kicking public parking cone. The Washington Post, April 18. Web.

Earthquake hits China’s Sichuan province, killing at least 179 and injuring thousands

A powerful earthquake hit Sichuan Province in southwestern China on April 24th. This quake occurred a short distance away from Wenchuan county where a massive earthquake killed many people in May 2008. Rescue teams, including troops, help people to escape from collapsed buildings and Ministry of Civil Affairs delivered relief supplies such as tents and blankets. Many of victims said both psychological and fundamental damage they got was tremendous.

I remembered an earthquake that happened in 2008 caused massive damage and devastation and killed thousands of people. An earthquake of similar magnitude struck similar place again. I hope there are no more injuries and damage. There was a weak quake in Korea on 21st April, so many people are nervous nowadays. I also hope that there were no more earthquakes in Korea.

Steven Mulfson, Earthquake hits China’s Sichuan province, killing at least 179 and injuring thousands. The Washington Post, April 20. Web.

Fatigue is a reason to skip a workout, but there are ways to combat that tired feeling

Fatigue is the typical reason why people stop working, and there are some ways to overcome this feeling. Eating carbohydrates is very good for fatigue, because this nutrient makes our body get the maximum benefit of activities. Drinking more water has good effects one our cardiovascular system, so it can relieve tiredness. Several other methods have also discovered such as listening to music which can reduce our perception of effort, minding breathing, turning off late-night television, and so on.

I get easily tired these days and I didn't know what happens to me. Reading this article, I realized that my body might be deficient in carbohydrate due to skipping breakfast. I also rarely drink water except when I eat food and go to bed late. I will acquaint those of methods to keep my body healthy.

Consumers of Union of United States, Fatigue is a reason to skip a workout, but there are ways to combat that tired feeling. The Washington Post, April 23. web.
Web Address : http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/fatigue-is-a-reason-to-skip-a-workout-but-there-are-ways-to-combat-that-tired-feeling/2013/04/22/bc4af28a-97e6-11e2-814b-063623d80a60_story.html

2013년 3월 20일 수요일

Mars had the right stuff for life, scientists find

A set of images compares rocks seen by NASA's Opportunity rover and Curiosity rover at two different parts of Mars, in this NASA handout photo. On the left is '' Wopmay'' rock, in Endurance Crater, Meridiani Planum, as studied by the Opportunity rover. REUTERS/NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/MSSS/Handout

Clays, sulfates and other minerals that are all key to life were found in the powdered samples of Mars. The water that once flowed through the area, known as Yellowknife Bay, was likely drinkable. Scientists speculated that Mars should have at one time at least had organic compounds delivered to its surface by organic-rich comets and asteroids. They also claimed that there might be different types of organisms such as chemoautotroph. Scientists studies comparing the environment of Earth and Mars.

We can see Mars in the sky easily, so it is quite surprising to me that research showed possibility of existence of  organisms with concrete evidences. There have been so many articles that tell us Mars or Moon might have organisms in old times or now. I also think there might be organisms like human somewhere in cosmos. But I don't believe it is Mars, because it has too high pressure and temperature to live. There isn't enough oxygen which is base element of living as well.

Irene Klotz. Mars had the right stuff for life, scientists find. Reuters. Wed Mar 13, 2013.

WHO confirms 15th case of deadly new virus in Saudi Arabia

A electron microscope image of a coronavirus is seen in this undated picture provided by the Health Protection Agency in London February 19, 2013. REUTERS/Health Protection Agency/Handout

Recently, a Saudi man infected new deadly virus has died. Nine of the 15 people confirmed to have been infected with this virus have died. The virus called NcoV causes common colds but similar to SARS. Symptoms of NcoV include serious respiratory illness, fever, and coughing. Scientists found that NcoV is well adapted to infecting humans and may be able to use medicines similar to drug for SARS.

I can't remember how serious the damage of SARS as I was young, but I know that it was tremendous. Also, the novel influenza prevailed throughout the country few years ago. Like this, new viruses or new diseases are springing up and threatening human beings. I just hope that scientists deal with viruses quickly.

Kate Kellend. WHO confirms 15th case of deadly new virus in Saudi. Reuters. Tue Mar 12, 2013.

Strong signs Higgs boson has been found: CERN

A computer screen is pictured before a scientific seminar to deliver the latest update in the search for the Higgs boson at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Meyrin, near Geneva July 4, 2012. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse

Physicists believe that the boson and its energy field were essential in the beginning of the universe after Big Bang. The particle and the field called Higgs who predicted their existence 50 years ago, are the last major missing elements for Standard Model of cosmos. It was spotted last summer, but held back from the saying what it was. It remains a question whether this is the Higgs boson of the Standard Model up to this day. Scientists also has done a lot of experiments using subterranean collider, particle accelerator etc.

Discovery of the faster-than-light particle called neutrino astonished the world 2 years ago. However, it was proved to be an experimental error. This time, it is the Higgs boson! Development of the science appears to my eyes! I hope that physics is approaching completion, because I don't want to learn and memorize more physical facts.

Rovert Evans. Strong signs Higgs boson has been found : CERN. Reuters. Thu Mar 14, 2013.

Dominican Republic wins World Baseball Classic

Players from the Dominican Republic, including tournament MVP Robinson Cano (C), celebrate with the trophy after they defeated Puerto Rico in the final to win the World Baseball Classic in San Francisco, March 19, 2013. REUTERS-Lucy Nicholson

Dominican Republic won World Baseball Classic(WBC). It won, three to nothing. Robinson Cano who hit .469 with two home runs was named MVP of the tournament. Rain started falling in the middle of the game, so there was a small disturbance. Puerto Rico which got second place also played well but its vigor wasn't inferior to Dominican Republic.

Korea also entered the game but they were eliminated in the first round of competition. I expected Korea's championship cup, but players' concentration made me disappointed. It was an immense surprise to me that Dominican Republic won WBC because I didn't know that it is a baseball power, even the existence of that country. I hope that Korea will won the next competition.

Larry Fine. Dominican Republic wins World Baseball Classic. Reuters. Wed Mar 20, 2013.

South Korea network hack prompts broadcast, bank outages

A pedestrian walks past a branch office of Shinhan Bank in central Seoul August 3, 2011. REUTERS/Truth Leem

YTN, MBC and KBS, Korean major broadcasting networks were hacked by an unknown organizations calling itself "Whois Team as.well as Shinhan Bank and NongHyup Bank. Government and police officials speculate that it would be a deed of North Korea. Because it intimidated to attack the United States and South Korea few days ago. This incident was quite critical, therefore insiders said that it would take a few days to gather evidence.

Some of my friends using NongHyup or Shinhan Bank told me that they couldn't withdraw money from ATM. I didn't know what happened before I read this article. I also think North Korea would be a criminal of this attack, because it has had problems-DDOS attack-like this before. Groups, especially financial groups might get a tremendous loss. I hope that authorities will cope with hacking quickly and find culprits.

Se Young Lee. South Korea network hack prompts broadcast, bank outages. Reuters. Wed Mar 20.